Monday, January 18, 2010

what does the future hold?

January 20th, 2010

What does the future hold?

Hyperion was quoted in the paper last week as saying ‘shovels in the ground in 2011’. I want everyone to stop and think about that statement for a minute. Do you know what that means when they say shovels in the ground? That means that all the buildings, trees and fences must be removed to make way for the refinery. (I refuse to call it Hyperion anymore). All the farms in the area - - gone - - .

Take a drive around the area where the refinery is going to be put in and lock it away in your memory, because when they start it will be total devastation. Farms will be pushed to the ground and burned. This will be worse than Sherman’s march through Georgia. The land will continue to be farmed until it is needed for a concrete pad or an asphalt pad, and then it will be razed as well. Trees will be uprooted. Wetlands will be destroyed. Yes, they can destroy a wetland provided they rebuild the same amount of land somewhere else. The area as we know it will cease to exist. If that doesn’t make you sick to your stomach, nothing will. It is an absolute travesty that this be allowed to happen. All this for the sake of ‘economic development’.

What a sad development this will be. 3000 acres of some of the finest cropland in the state of South Dakota will go under the knife. And for what? Because some ‘oilman’ came in here and pulled a ‘slick Willie’. What ever happened to scruples? What ever happened to having decency for your neighbor? All this for the sake of the almighty dollar. What a shame.

This is what might happen folks if we don’t do something. I don’t know what it is we have to do, but something has to be done or this county will go to hell in a hand basket. Think of the ramifications for our health in the event this were to ever happen (which I don’t think will happen by the way)…do you think the refinery would give a hoot if someone were to get sick because of the dirt they will be spewing? Not on your life they won’t. We are what is called collateral damage. You will have sacrificed your life and well being so that someone out there can fill their tank with gas. Is that a tradeoff or what?? Is it worth it? Could the same thing have been done by using renewable energy?

Think of our cost of building an infrastructure so that the refinery can have the pleasure of sending money to Texas. I could go on and on, but you have heard this from me so many times it probably isn’t worth reading anymore.

This will be the first time in my life my money has been spent without my consent to build something I don’t approve of. Is that an oxymoron or what?


At January 18, 2010 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only money that you have spent is what you have spent to fight this project.I almost got a tear in my eye when I read about all of this beautiful land that is going to be destroyed, almost. The 1800 jobs that will be created and the postive economic impact that this project will have on this county is huge. And I know that the "jobs won't go to locals" but when people do get the jobs and then move to our area so that they can get to work, don't they then become "locals"?

At January 21, 2010 at 6:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Almost? You almost got a tear when you read about the land that is going to be destroyed?

The land is all we have. You can't live in the air (which will also be polluted), and you can't eat oil, or money, either.

You know that saying, "don't sh*t where you eat?" Don't plop an oil refinery on it, either.

At January 21, 2010 at 11:01 PM , Anonymous RunningWithLaughter said...

The white man is "claim-staking". I want everyone to stop and think about that statement for a minute. Do you know what they say with the term "claim-staking"? That means that our prairie, our hunting areas, trees and complete way of life will be removed to make way for the thieves (I refuse to call them "God fearing and civilized").

Mount your horse and ride around the area where the white men will be claiming as their own and lock it away in your memory, because when they start it will be total devastation. Trees in which the birds live will be pushed down and used for the white man's own shelters. This will be worse than when the river swells well past its banks. We will continue to hunt and gather from this land until one of the pale faces puts down 4 sticks in the ground to claim it as his own. Trees will be uprooted. Wetlands destroyed. Yes, they can destroy a wetland. Oh BOY can the white man destroy a wetland. Once they do that it will be used for farming. The area as we know it will cease to exist. If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach, nothing will. It is an absolute travesty that this be allowed to happen. All this for the sake of homesteading.

What a sad development this will be. 3000 acres of some of the finest prairie in the Indian Nation will go under the knife. And for what? Because some general came in here and pulled 'slick Willie'. What ever happened to respecting those that are native to this land? What ever happened to having decency for your neighbor? All this for the sake of the almighty dollar.

What a shame.

This is what will happen if we don't do something. I don't know what it is we have to do, but something has to be done or this nation will go to hell in a hand basket. Think of the ramifications for our food sources and sovereign rights in the event this were to happen (which I fear the white man is too concerned bought only what they think and not what everyone thinks). Do you think the white man would give a hoot if someone were to die from starvation because all the animals were gone so we had nothing to eat and no pelts to keep us warm? Not on your life they won't. We are what is called progress. You will have sacrificed your life and well being so that someone out there can farm where there was never a farm before. Is that a tradeoff or what?? Is it worth it? Could the same thing have been done by using better farming practices on existing farms?

Think of our commitment to the land so the man can have the pleasure of filling their own pockets with gold. I could go on and on, but you have heard this from me so many times it probably isn't worth reading anymore.

This will be the first time in my life my love for the land is being used to take that land from me. Is that ironic or what?

To think that the white man will someday think that what they will now be building on our prairie lands will be more idyllic, pastoral, important and necessary than our prairie lands we love so much today.

Hell, they are probably so dense they will get upset when some other white man does the same thing to them as they have done to the Sioux Nation. When that happens a small bit of justice will have been served.


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